Thursday, December 27, 2001

Conversations with God

i want to be young again.

Whatever for??

i'm drying out.

You smoke, and you don't moisturize often enough.

true. but it would be nice to have elasticity again.

I told you: twice a day, without fail, any kind of lotion and don't forget your neck. Didn't I say that?

more than once.

You're just preoccupied. You've always been preoccupied.

oh - You're one to talk; You made me this way. by the way, how am i doing on the free will thing? am i making choices that please You?

You're improving.

i aspire.

I know. That's all I ask.

so, how's it going in Afghanistan?

It's a mess. I'm so tired of people killing in My name, but what can I do?

it always comes back to the free will thing, doesn't it?

Yep. It was My doing; can't blame anyone else. I figured if I was going to create in My image, I had to include all aspects of Myself. It's a pity most humans lack the wisdom to grasp that simple concept.

listen, don't blame Yourself. if most people realized the capacity in which You operate, they would -- well, i guess they would grasp the concept then.

Exactly. You see the enigma.

clearly. well, i'm going to get online for a bit. if You want to play Literati later, i'll be in Semantics.